Premiered on SBS on Saturday 4th December 2021

Available now on SBS On Demand

Life is a Battlefield, the documentary, is available to be streamed via SBS On Demand for free, after it premiered on SBS on Saturday 4th December 2021 as part of International Day of People with Disability.

Click to watch on SBS On Demand

A story of finding hope and purpose despite

About The Documentary

The story of Uli Kaplan, a feisty young adult overcoming his lifelong chronic illness and disability to find hope and purpose

‘Life is a Battlefield’, a Mike Woods documentary, premiered on Australian broadcaster SBS on December 4th 2021 at 3:40pm, and is now available to be streamed via SBS On Demand.

Filmed over five years, ‘Life is a Battlefield’ shares the real story of feisty young adult Uli Kaplan, who faces everyday struggles with chronic illness, mental health issues and a disability. Watch him find acceptance, purpose and success through this two hour insight into his life. Unable to eat and with less than fifty percent of his lungs working, Uli shows through his blunt humour and stubborn determination how people with a disability do not just have the right to survive, but to also thrive in whatever they choose to pursue.

In opening up and sharing the highs and lows of his life, Uli inadvertently finds a deeper acceptance of who he is, struggles and all, and a new passion to be a voice for all others who live with a disability.

‘Life is a Battlefield’ gives a genuine look into the often hidden day to day that so many individuals experience in living with chronic illness, mental health issues, or a disability. It tells a message of compassion, of trust, of care, of kindness, and how people with a disability have the right to live happy and meaningful lives just like anyone else.


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